SFBBO is an organization dedicated to the conservation of birds and their habitats through science and outreach.
The Goal
Illustrate snowy plovers for SFBBO to incorporate in cards.
San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory (SFBBO) wanted to highlight the snowy plover in their cards. This project was carried out in collaboration remotely with SFBBO. I met with the Outreach and Communications Director to talk about the details and goal for the illustration.
I wanted to incorporate SFBBO’s name in the illustration to make the card instantly recognizable.
My Role
Project Duration
3 weeks
Discuss the style guides and format.
Create a vectored illustration.
Iterate on illustration/designs
Adobe Illustrator
Initial Research and Sketches
I started researching snowy plovers and sketching them to get a sense on how to illustrate them digitally.
Illustration and Mockups
Feedback and Revisions
After presenting the different layouts the main feedback was to have the organization’s name on one line. From there I edited and created the final illustration layout: